Proposed Route: Wintersville, Ohio to South Bend, Indiana

More Maps: (1) Brooklyn, NY to Wintersville, OH; (3) South Bend, IN to Newton, IA; (4) Newton, IA to Lexington, NE; (5) Lexington, NE to Saratoga, WY; (6) Saratoga, WY to Orem, UT; (7) Orem, UT to Austin, NV; (8) Austin, NV to San Francisco, CA.

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Here’s the second stage of the proposed route. This will cover a little more than 400 miles. The pace will be somewhat slower in Ohio, due to the many wilderness areas and the mountainous region on the Buckeye State’s eastern side, which will greet me not long after I cross the Ohio River. But once I hit Columbus, the terrain will even out. And I’ll be moving northeast to South Bend, Indiana, which will put me close to Chicago.

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  • Let me know when you are in Columbus and I will buy you a beverage of your choice.

    • Absolutely, Kevin. I’d love to meet you after all these years. Thanks so much!

  • Any chance you would consider dropping by Kenyn College in Gambier (about 48 miles north of Columbus)? Depending on the date, I would gladly host you, and possibly cook up an Englsh Dept or Kenyon Review moment for you, too, but I am only here in Spring terms.

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